iPhone 14 smartphones on satellite link

The new iPhone will have satellite communication. What will change?

Not long ago, a new feature of the iPhone 14 was revealed – satellite communication support. One of the experts said that the American brand is ready to launch on the iPhone functions of communication with other users through satellite communications, without the use of cellular phones.  In addition, the analyst said that the feature has already been tested by other companies. Huawie is expected to launch a similar feature soon with its new Mate 50. The release of this device is planned before the appearance of the iPhone.

In fact, satellite connectivity is now available on a wide variety of Android smartphones. And Google confirms that engineers are constantly working to add satellite support to numerous new models.

Smartphone and satellite connectivity. What’s it for?

In fact, it’s not just the manufacturers that are interested in launching a new method of communication. Along with the brands mentioned above, it is also interested in:

  1. T-Mobile.
  2. Starlink.

The world-renowned leaders said they want to solve the problem of remote regions of America, where for a variety of reasons there is no cellular communication. Musk’s representatives say that this problem should have been solved a long time ago. That is why they are now talking about upgrading satellites and adding appropriate support for the equipment. That is, in the future, the subscriber will be able to switch between cellular and satellite as quickly as possible.

Of course, upgrades and tests will take some time. And T-Mobile expects to launch the feature on consumers’ smartphones by the end of next year.  But at this point, it’s not yet known if the work will be across America, or in other countries too. American companies are interested in creating reciprocal roaming, where cellular operators insure each other.

And in the future all major cellular operators plan to support this initiative and use it. 

iPhone 14 will support satellite communications

Why connect the iPhone to the satellite?

It is necessary first of all to compensate for all the disadvantages of classic communication. Many regions need a solution to this problem, as the network is not available everywhere now.  And in case of natural disasters, the support of satellite communication will become indispensable. And experts predict that in the very near future, the new feature will indeed become mandatory on smartphones.

Of course, satellite connection will not be able to replace cellular communication, so there is no need for providers to be wary of this. The plan is to make this method of communication a backup, because lower data transfer speeds are expected. Experts say that the speed will vary from 2 to 4 Mbit/sec. That is, it will only be voice communication and texting.

And it is important to note that the new functionality does not require an upgrade. The setup is available for both the 13 and 14 models of the device.